Wednesday, June 1, 2011

30 before 30

Soooo, in keeping with my inconsistency (literary device for that, anyone??), I have decided not to write about anything specifically literary today either. Today's post idea I actually got from another blog that I can't remember at the moment, but all credit goes to them!

Well, upon 5-10 minutes of internetting, I have found you a quote,

"In the long run, men hit only what they aim for. Therefore, though they should fail immediately, they had better aim at something high." ~Henry David Thorough

What do you know, it's literary after all.

Alright, now for the actual contents of the blog instead of the fluff. (Yes, I was an English major. I have a fine tooth comb set aside for fluff in writing, and I know it when I see/produce it.) I have decided that in order to make my life seem slightly less aimless after graduating from college into a less-than-awesome economy, I will make a list of 30 goals I wish to achieve before the age of 30. Though, to warn you ahead of time, the full 30 will more than likely not be written down as of today's post. Maybe not even 10. I will keep you updated. Okay. Here we go.


Melissa's 30 before 30

1. Take art lessons/learn to draw more than stick people
2. Actually read a whole Russian lit novel (not in Russian, of course)
3. Publish a full-length manuscript of any genre
4. Earn an MFA in Creative Writing
5. See Death Cab for Cutie in concert (yes, my goals are deep and meaningful--and also might derive from day-before amazing CD releases)
6. Swim a mile without stopping to gasp for breath
7. Travel to Europe (England being the primary reason, but I will take what I can get)
8. Receive a letter from someone I've never known before who has read and been touched by something I've written.

I'm faltering....I know. I didn't even make it to 10....But, don't say you weren't warned. Will update as I think of more, promise!